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News Analysis

The Fray and Will of the Masses

The hats stumble, tumbling onto the arena with a heist of millions of naira in hand. Who needs a Nostradamus to know that 2023 looms on the horizon with queer enactments blazoning our political space?  As in Sergio Leone’s 1966 Italian epic spaghetti starring Clint Eastwood as the Good, Lee Vancleef as Bad, and Eli […]Continue Reading
News Analysis

Suicide! Is it the Answer?

In this peice, Anthonia Akanji writes on ways of discouraging suicide in the society. A quote by an anonymous author says “suicide doesn’t end the chances of life getting worse, it eliminates the possibility of it ever getting any better” Suicide is death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die over various issues. […]Continue Reading
News Analysis

Need To Encourage Nigerian Inventors

In the later part of the eighteenth century to four decades into the nineteenth century, precisely between 1760s and 1840, the industrial revolution began in Britain. Today, western countries top the list of the developed world.  Asia is not left behind, as China, India, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia have emerged as strong manufacturing hubs. African […]Continue Reading