By Olufisoye Adenitan 

Ondo State Governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa has charged the 502 intending pilgrims to this year’s  Hajj to be good ambassadors of the state and abide by the rules of engagement in the Holy Land.

Governor Aiyedatiwa, who gave the charge while addressing the 502 Intending pilgrims in Akure, said his administration would continue to support the Muslim communities in the state. 

Represented by his deputy, Chief Olayide Adelami, Aiyedatiwa enjoined the pilgrims to pray for the state and the nation at large, expressing hope that they would all return safely after their religious duties at the Holy Land.

Chairman,  Ondo State  Muslim Welfare  Board,  Alhaji Zikirulai Chandy, who appreciated the governor’s support, noted that the  intending  pilgrims had gone  through an orientation that would prepare  them  for the pilgrimage.

Leaders of the Muslim community in Ondo State had gathered at the State Muslim Welfare Board to pray and bid farewell to intending 502 pilgrims, who will depart for Mecca.

The 502 Ondo State hajj pilgrims are expected to spend 30-35 days in Mecca.

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