By Iyabo Adebisi/Nafiu Busari

As Muslim across the globe celebrate Eid-Adha, the Chief Imam of Kolapo Ishola Muslim Community, Akobo, Ibadan, Alhaji Yussuf Taiwo Orire has advised well meaning nigerians to always be their brother’s keeper especially during the time of this economic challenges. 

He stated this during a sermon after the 2nd Rakat Eid-Adha prayer at the Kolapo Ishola Community Eid prayer ground Akobo,Ibadan. 

Alhaji Yusuf  who explained that the festive season teaches sacrifice, stressed the need to help the less privileged in the society as the harsh economic reality bite harder on the people. 

The Islamic cleric equally admonished people to put their trust in God adding that with prayer, the problem facing the nation would soon be over. 

The Chairman of the Kolapo Ishola Muslim Community,  Alhaji  Tajudeen Aremu, two Community leaders, Mrs Romoke Ayinde and  Alhaja Kudirat Adebayo thanked Almighty Allah for witnessing another celebration. 

They enjoined people particularly the politicians to at all times fulfill their promises as one of the lesson of Eid -Adhan.

Similarly, Nigerians should regard the current hardships in the country as a phase that will not last for long in view of current efforts.

An Islamic scholar, Dr Abdul Hadi Tiamiy made the observation in Ibadan at the Eid prayer conducted by Muslim Students Society of Nigeria, MSSN, Oyo State.


He noted that Allah has enjoined Muslims in the Qur’an that during trial, they should be patient,  prayerful and rekindle their hope in Allah. 

Dr Tiamiy explained that Eid-el-Kabir is a festival of hope, mercy and glad tidings.

The Islamic Scholar called on Nation’s leaders to be accountable and be sensitive to the yearnings and aspirations of Nigerians. 

He challenged the leaders to come up with more incentives or palliatives to cushion the effects of the economic hardships. 

In an interview, the Ameer MSSN, Oyo State, Mallam Abdul Kabir Yakeen encouraged Muslims to be steadfast and prayerful. 

Also speaking, APC Stalwart, Professor Abideen Olaiya enjoined Nigerians to renew their confidence in nation’s leadership and avoid any act that could jeopardize the peace of the country. 

He expressed confidence that the economic policies of President Bola Tinubu would yield positive results.


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