By Oluwakayode Banjo

Church leaders must represent God well, in the society, as commanded in the bible. .

This was the submission of the Chaplain, Chapel of Peace and Joy, Lead City University, Ibadan, The Venerable Emmanuel Olagundoye during his sermon at the Trinity Ordination Service and Installation of Canons, held at the Cathedral of Saint James The Great, Oke-Bola, Ibadan.

The Venerable Olagundoye said church leadership usually comes with huge responsibilities and those who found themselves in such capacity must possess certain godly qualities to excel and guarantee themselves heavenly rewards.

The Venerable Olagundoye highlighted some of the qualities to include integrity, divine wisdom, humility and sacrificial living.

The Venerable Olagundoye charged the newly ordained Deacons and Canons to be good role models in their parishes, the Diocese and the country at large.

The ordained Deacons are Reverends Oluwafemi Abolanle, Hezekiah Akinwale, Timothy Bewaji, Felix Folayan and Emmanuel Oyadiji.

Also, The Reverend Canons Olusina Olubodun, Samuel Olaleye and Isaac Ayelaagbe were installed as Canons during the service.

Our correspondent reports that, the examination and administration of oaths on the Deacons and Canons were performed by the Bishop Ibadan Anglican Diocese, The Most Reverend Joseph Akinfenwa.


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