
Have you ever considered what the life of Hemophiliacs look like?

They are forever careful and always watching out for anything that could cause them injury.

They cannot play anyhow, cannot engage in contact games like boxing and football and have to be on medication..

Hemophilia is an inherited disease in which blood does not clot due to a defect in a gene that controls the production of a clotting factor.

It has been found out by World Federation of Hemophilia that about nine to twelve thousand Nigerians have either Hemophilia A or B. Those with Hemophilia A however are more in number.

Life expectancy for men with Hemophilia is ten years less than the ordinary person while the overall death rate for them is about twice that of the rate for healthy men.

Speaking on the condition, Heamatologist and Zonal Coordinator, National Blood Transfusion Service, NBTS, South West, Dr  Dapo Aworanti  said hemophiliacs could actually live healthily by abiding by the counsel of their managing Physician.

Dr Aworanti said the condition should not be considered as the end of life as there are treatment options available depending on the severity of the diseases.

The disease, according to the expert, could not be managed at home but in a tertiary health institution.

The theme for this year’s observance is “Adapting to Change”.

Anthonia Akanji.