Nigeria as a country is blessed with different seasonal fruits such as orange, mango, banana, pineapple, guava, lemon and lime.

Others are water melon, golden melon, cucumber, pepper fruit, almond, African cherry, grape fruit and many more.

With these wide range of fruits, one cannot but enjoy them as the season changes.

This is because fruits are nature’s gifts to protect the body from toxins.

Furthermore, you derive maximum benefits from these fruits when fresh than when preserved.

In season is the golden melon.

Though more common in the northern part of the country, it is spreading to other parts now.

Golden melon are oval shaped with yellow skin or rind and creamy white flesh and seeds.

It is also known as sweet melon or honey dew lemon.

Describing it as a complete fruit package, public health nutritionist, Mrs Yetunde Oladejo said the fruit has a wonderful taste of apple, guava and water melon combined together and eating it supplies the body with a blend of amazing nutrients.

She noted that “golden melon contains huge amount of vitamin C, for wading off infection,zinc, calcium for strong bones, magnesium and potassium for maintaining body metabolism”

Since the fruit is ninety percent water, eating it according to the nutritionists would prevent dehydration, constipation while also good for cholesterol control.

She said this fruit which could be juiced, dried or served as snacks could also be helpful for weight loss management.

What more, all parts of the golden melon is edible hence when next you pass by that street corner, grocer or malls don’t hesitate to pick some for yourself.

More so, with the ravaging Coronavirus, you might be loading your system with essential nutrients needed to boost immunity against diseases.

Anthonia Akanji


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