Suya Spice is a dry peanut-based spice rub used to marinate beef before grilling.

Then Suya spice aka yaji spice would be like second nature to you because suya is one of the most popular street foods in Nigeria.

Suya spice has become almost a staple in most homes.

Suya spice can be added to almost anything to give that dish a delicious twist. This Homemade Suya Spice is all Shades of delicious.

As I mentioned above, Peanuts are the major ingredient in suya spice. Peanuts give suya spice its distinct taste.

There won’t be suya spice without the peanuts.

 I have seen suggestions to substitute peanuts with almonds though I haven’t tried that, I doubt it will taste close-talk less of taste the same. Peanuts and Almonds don’t have a similar taste.

What is Suya Spice used for?

Suya spice is a versatile spice. Though it is mainly used as a spice rub for meats, you can actually use it on anything you like.

I have used it in the following recipes and it was delicious.

Egusi Soup

Chicken curry

Suya meatballs

Fried eggs

How to make Homemade Suya Spice

Roasted groundnuts are the star ingredient in this recipe. I made it using two forms of peanuts, roasted peanuts and peanut powder.

The recipe with the roasted peanuts is more authentic than the one with the peanut powder which isn’t surprising since the originators of the suya spice mix make theirs using Kuli Kuli (a fried peanut snack).

This is a quick-fix recipe for when you don’t have much time on your hands and want to make a suya recipe.


Peanut powder

Ground Ginger

Cayenne Powder {Ground Cayenne Powder}

Smoked Paprika Powder

Onion Powder

Garlic Powder

Chicken Bouillon Powder*

Adetutu Adetule

Spicy and Trendy


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