“I must turn aside now and see this marvelous sight, why the bush is not burned up” so Moses said when he saw a strange phenomenon of the burning bush in the Holy Bible.
Such is usually the case when people sight the subject of this story around Oke-Bola area of Ibadan.
It is a cock with “Jheri Curls”.
The comb of the fowl which has an unusual shape attracted the attention of many passersby who believe something is strange with the animal.
Jheri Curl is a permanent wave hairstyle that was popular among African Americans during the 1980s.
The cock with the unique look was seen strolling in the company of the female.
As strange as the look appears to the layman, a veterinary doctor, Ibikunle Faramade was of the opinion that such was common with birds saying there was nothing to worry about.
The doctor hinted that the situation was a genetic anomaly noting that the cock was apparently healthy and could pass it to its offspring.
Dr Faramade explained that fowls had different shapes of combs noting that the nature of the comb had a link with the Walnut comb.
A cross-section of people who beheld the picture of the fowl cherished eating sumptuous chicken delicacy but said they could not eat the one with a strange comb like this.
Others were of the opinion that only the ugly comb should be removed before eating.
On whether there is a traditional belief associated with birds with strange combs, a traditionalist, Dasola Adefabi described it as a natural occurrence which does not have any spiritual or traditional meaning.
Report says that there are many traditional beliefs associated with cocks, one of such is that when a cock crows in the night, it’s a sign of evil.
Adedayo Adelowo