
Man’s physical environment is made up of land, air, water, plants, animals, shelter and natural resources.

A clean and healthy environment is important for people’s well-being.

This is however becoming difficult to achieve with increased human activities impacting negatively on the environment.

As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to mark this year’s environment day efforts should be focused on preserving biodiversity by reducing bush burning, deforestation, dumping of refuse in the streams and other activities causing the loss of some species of plants and animals.

Speaking on the need to conserve biodiversity, National Coordinator, Environment Ameliorators, Mr Olubunmi Sodipo, explained that the term refers to variations of life forms, animals, plants and micro-organisms.

He noted that all these contribute in no small measure to life and an attempt to take one out of the ecosystem could impact negatively on the others.

He said” If the loss in biodiversity was allowed to continue, it would affect food production and modern medicine which were synthesized from natural products.”

If for instance the agama agama lizard which people often do not take cognizance of is taken out of the ecosystems,there would be more spending on insecticides.

 The lizards naturally help in reducing insect load in the environment.

You might need therefore to reconsider before killing or destroying lizards around your house.

In the same vein, a Lagos based environmentalist, Mr Olawale Ajani want government to put stiffer penalty in place for offenders while enforcement of existing laws should be prioritized to make the environment cleaner and safer.

This he said because necessary to reduce the impact of climate change on the earth.

Anthonia Akanji