The city of Nottingham has been shaken by a series of attacks which left two teenage students and another man dead.

According to report, Barnaby Webber, 19, Grace Kumar, 19, and a man in his 50s were fatally stabbed. Three people were hit by a van police believe was stolen from the older stabbing victim.

A suspect was Tasered by police before being arrested on suspicion of murder.

Counter-terrorism police are involved in the investigation, but no link to extremism has been confirmed.

Police said they were still in the early stages of the inquiry into the attacks, which occurred during the early hours of Tuesday, and had yet to determine an exact motive.

The suspect, 31, is believed to be a migrant of West African origin.

Reporting from the scene, the BBC’s Daniel Sandford says he understands the suspect has a history of mental health issues.

That is why at this stage, while counter-terrorism police are assisting the investigation, they are not running it, he adds.

Several roads in Nottingham were closed throughout the day as police combed for evidence, and armed officers were seen on the city’s streets.

Nottingham City Council leader David Mellen said the city was in “shock and mourning”, while the city’s three MPs said the area had been “devastated” by the bloodshed.

Police have not formally identified the victims, but Mr Webber, a student at Nottingham University, was named by friends and family.

His family, from Taunton, Somerset, has paid tribute to him, describing their “complete devastation” at the “senseless murder of our son”, saying he was a “beautiful, brilliant, bright young man, with everything in life to look forward to”.

The amateur cricketer from Taunton was described by Somerset’s Bishops Hull Cricket Club as a dear friend whose memory would live on.

A tribute continued: ‘’Webbs’ joined the club back in 2021 and has since then been a key part of our club and made such an impact in such a short space of time.”

Grace Kumar – who is also known as Grace O’Malley-Kumar – has been named locally as the second victim and is said to be a talented hockey player. The man in his 50s has also not been named by the authorities.

England Hockey said it was “deeply saddened” by Ms Kumar’s death.

“Grace was a popular member of the England U16 and U18 squads and our thoughts are with Grace’s family, friends, teammates and the whole hockey community at this time,” it said.

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BBC/Taiwo Akinola


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