By Mojisola Oladele 

The Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Osogbo, Most Reverend John Oyejola has described Artificial Intelligence as an emerging field that has transformative impacts on human relationships but cautioned that its application has risks of replacing humans.

Bishop Oyejola stated this at a Holy Mass and media parley held at St Benedict Cathedral, Osogbo, as part of activities marking the grand finale of the 2024 World Communications Week.

The Cleric who called for caution in the application of AI, stressed that with the radical use of social media, there have been enormous limitations to human interactions even within immediate family.

Bishop Oyejola said there was no doubt that AI helps in bringing coherence, efficiency, and fast decision-making in human communication, but insisted that people must be careful because AI might be used to push incomplete information and false narratives in the public space.

He emphasized that AI must remain a tool for communication and not a substitute for human person.

In a remark, the guest speaker of the event, Mr. Abiodun Lufadeju noted that Artificial intelligence would help on the soft side of the agenda such as research, new concept development, and simulations of concepts and possibilities.

The theme of this year’s World Communications Week is “Artificial Intelligence and the Wisdom of the Heart: Towards fully human communication.”

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