By Olawale Asake / Dayo Adu

Fun seekers who visited Agodi Gardens in Ibadan, Oyo State, have urged the Federal Government to find lasting solutions to the current economic hardship which they said is hitting hard on the finances of the poor Nigerians.

They made the appeal while speaking with Radio Nigeria who visited the Gardens and saw people celebrating Eid El Kabir 2024 with their family members.

One of them, Mr Kazeem Adepoju said, he brought his children to the Gardens not because he had enough, but to make them happier during the Sallah, saying, the celebration is once in a year.

On her part, a business woman, Mrs Kafayat Owolabi appealed to Leaders in Government to fulfil the electioneering promises they made and make life bearable for the people.

Mrs Owolabi who thanked God for the grace to witness the Eid El Kabir celebration, called on government to address the issue of economic dwindling.

At the Gardens, fun seekers including parents, youths and Children were seen drinking, eating and catching fun while music was playing for them to rock.

Similarly, fun seekers trooped out to the University of Ibadan Zoological Garden to expend the Eid El fitri holiday.

The fun seekers who are families, groups and individuals assumed relaxing positions to enjoy what the zoological garden facilities offered them.

Some of them who spoke to Radio Nigeria explained that the trip had afforded them the opportunity to ease out stress and meet new friends.

Although, they bemoaned the economic situation of the country which had forced them on low-key celebration, calling on government to tackle the indices inflating prices of goods and commodities in the country. 

They however, expressed the belief that the public holidays declared by the federal government would enable them carry out their personal administration and also bond with their families.

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