
When Talent Beckons for Insight

By Taiwo Akinola

How do you discover your talents? Find time to read this piece, and you will be gingered to discover your talents easily.

What is talent?

“Talent” is a natural ability to do something exceptionally, or an inbuilt in human life.

Meanwhile, people mistaken talents to gifts, there is a difference between talents and gifts.

Talents Are Inherited, while Gifts Are Received.

Natural talents are those abilities inherited from one’s parents and nurtured in the context of one’s family endowment such as music, counseling, creative arts, creativity at large and many more.

A person’s talent is defined as a natural creative or artistic ability.

We all know people who are talented and come from a long line of family members who share the same talent.

A talent can be improved upon to unleash the best of the talent bearer. 

Talents are connected to defining who or what we are or the person we eventually become.

It is important to discover your talents early in life.

Thus, the question is, how do you discover your talent so you can find out what and who you are?

Check within yourself:

In discovering your talent, you have to look within for what comes naturally to you. Look for activities you repeatedly do and love doing. 

Some activities feel like reflex actions that you can do with ease. If you could find a pattern among those activities, it would lead to discovering your talents.

Hindustan Times

Explore/Make use of the talents:

Thinking about what comes naturally to you alone might not yield any results. It’s time you experiment and explore. When you explore, you try out new skills and learn new skills. You can learn a vocational course, pottery, and so on. 

Exploring is a good way to find what you are willing to improve at. You might want to improve at writing, accounting, and so on. Trying out something new will expose you to a different aspect of yourself and possibly help you discover your talent.


A closer look at your past achievements will go a long way in enabling you to identify your strengths and discover your talents. 

Check what you have been applauded for. It could be at your place of work, school, in your neighborhood, or in the society at large. These achievements could help you discover special abilities you possess easily.

Find a passion and follow it:

There are instances where a person might have a lot of things he or she is great at, but there is one thing that person enjoys doing and is passionate about.


Another way you can discover your talents is by doing a little analysis of unique activities you perform among your peers. 

In this point, you might have to get feedbacks from your friends or family to tell you what activity you are so perfect at than anyone.

Which activity takes your time?:

Ensure you find the activity you always love doing at all times, while discovering your talent.

That exact talent which consumes your time, finding pleasure at doing it, and eventually you feel fulfilled doing it with all happiness.

In conclusion, endeavor you don’t overdo it while exhibiting the talents in other to be acceptable in the society at all times. In addition, pride comes before a fall, submit yourself to corrections, improvements, feedbacks, learning from other higher levels, to mention but a few, for you to retain the best way.

Don’t cross boundaries, and you will shine so bright. 

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