By Nosa Aituamen

The Nigerian Airspace Management Agency, NAMA, and the Department of State Services, DSS, are collaborating to address recent violations of No-Fly Zones in the country especially in the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja.

This is coming on the heels of recent encroachments of the No-Fly Zones by airlines operating in the nation’s airspace given that violations of prohibited areas pose significant risks to aviation operations and national security.

During a meeting in Abuja to deliberate on the issue, both agencies emphasized the essence of maintaining safety and security standards within the Nigerian airspace as well as adhering to International Civil Aviation Organization, ICAO, guidelines, particularly those outlined in Section 4444 of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Air Traffic Management (PANS-ATM).

A statement by the Director, Public Affairs and Consumer Protection, Abdullahi Musa, says these guidelines establish standardized procedures to ensure the safe, efficient, and orderly flow of global air traffic.

He said at the meeting, the Managing Director, NAMA, Mr. Farouk Ahmed stressed the need to educate airlines and pilots about adhering to established protocols, listening attentively to air traffic controllers, and maintaining stringent security measures.

The NAMA boss called for strict adherence to the prohibited designated and NOTAMed no-fly zones as published in the Aeronautical Information Publications (AIP) as this was critical in ensuring the security and safety of air navigation in the country.

In his remarks, the DSS Director of Security Enforcement, Steve Ojelade noted that no-fly zones were non-negotiable, stressing that any violations by airspace users could attract severe consequences, including potential military intervention to safeguard national security assets.

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