By Titilayo Kupoliyi

The Trobrianders of the Trobriand Island got their name from the lieutenant of a French ship that landed in the archipelago of Papua New Guinea.

They reside in the Kiriwina Island, one of the largest in the archipelago, and still maintain their ways of life: principally fishing and agriculture.

Despite the attempts of various countries to introduce new religions and colonise them via their limited contact with foreign nations, the Trobrianders have resisted change.

Whenever there is a dispute to settle, instead of getting into war, they engage in a game of crickets, that is, people at war employ players who use bats and balls until there is a winner.

From as early as six to 13, boys and girls are encouraged to sleep with each other, hence they are taught erotic and intimate games.

To show their interest, they offer their currency, a tuber of yam, to their intended partner.

They go into a special hut called the “bukumatula”. When she stays there until sunrise, it is assumed that they are married. Her mother brings cooked yams which they eat.

For those who want to look more attractive, they can resort to love and beauty magic.

Around this age, girls wear shells waist decorations to show their social class. The shells can contain “magic” to attract men.

Because of how small they are, everyone is familiar with each other.

Marriage between maternal families is forbidden; hence people interested in each other get married to their paternal relatives.

Besides this, they are prevented from getting married to people from outside their village.

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